Tuesday, November 27, 2007


This weekend my family and i drove a total of 14 hours in the car to Tennessee and then back home. We only got to spend two days in Tennessee but it was well worth it. My grandparents from England were visiting my parents in Tennessee. We spent thanksgiving together which in itself is funny because we are all British celebrating an American holiday. Anyhoo, I am amazed at the spiritual heritage I have in my grandparents. They are still married and for some 80 years, they are still faithfully serving the Lord. As I said my goodbyes to them on Saturday they whispered in my ear that God has me in his hands and has great things for me. Now from most people, I would of said thank-you and moved on without giving second thought to what they said but from my grandparents this held more weight. You see, they have consistently served God for many years. They have gone through the trials, shared in joys,and cried in painful times. They have seen the provision of God and they have learned how to wait on him. They have proved God over and over again and knew that his promises are yes and amen. When they gently said those words to me, I knew that they weren't just making small talk or exchanging pleasantries, they were speaking from the conviction in their heart. Through 80 years God has been faithful to them and they had the utmost confidence that he would be faithful to me. Wow, there are no words to compare with a long life faithful to God. Too many times we ignore those older than us, or pass them by without even conceiving how much they can pour into our lives. I think the older generation, who are passing the spiritual baton, have nuggets of truth for us, if we will only glean from them. Thank-you heroes who have served God wholeheartedly for many years. Because of you, I am raising my family to serve the Lord. Thank-you for my spiritual heritage