Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where Else Can We Go?

John 6:68 is an amazing statement from Peter when other disciples had left and Jesus turned to him and asked if he was leaving too. Peter, says, "where can I go Lord, you have the words of life. Peter had burned all his bridges to the point if Jesus wasn't who He said he was, Peter would have no one or nothing left to turn to. Man, talk about being addicted to Jesus. Peter was wounded by love to the very core of his being. Today, as I have been studying and meditating on God's word, I am starting to learn what it means to delight in God's word. When I look at Psalm 119, I see 172 verses of a man who is love with God and His word and can't say it over and over again enough. The challenge to me is what I do with free time or when no one is watching. For David any free time, I can see him sneaking away to have some fun in God's Word. Reading the Bible in 90 days is a good way to get a big taste of what the Bible is all about but you must take time to meditate on it to get what the heart of God is saying to us When you read God's word at a rapid pace, you miss the heart of God. It's not about reading through the Bible, it's about taking each scripture and meditating on it. I don't want God's Word to be a duty or something I routinely do. I don't want His law to be a homework assignment or a bore. God's Word must be a time of meditation where I let God's Words communicate his delight and love for me. Instead of just reading the Bible through in a year, how about reading a couple verses over and over again in a year. I am challenged to truly meditate on his Word rather than just get through it. Peter and David understood this!! Lord, when I read your Word, will you breathe on me. Will you speak your heart to me. Will you reveal understanding of your scriptures to me. God search my heart and make me aware of any back up plans I might lean on just incase you don't work out. I truly want to surrender to you and dive into knowing that if you don't catch me I will be lost. I know you delight in me, now teach me to delight in you

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Our Loss

The past two weeks for our family have been an emotional roller coaster as we went through our 4th loss of a child. Instead of typing out the whole story here on this blog I shared the story in the middle of one of my messages to our students. This audio/video file has the story and our response to God.