Thursday, December 3, 2009

Megan Smith Speaking

I am so proud of my 15 year old daughter Megan. The amazing young lady she has become brings so much pride to my heart that I am her father. She had an opportunity to speak in her youth group (EDGE) on December 2nd,2009. Her passion, conviction, boldness, and confidence blew me out of the water. Take a listen. She is a sista preacha

1 comment:

tjlaing1 said...

Megan, this is amazing! God anointed you and used you mightily. I am so proud of you. So excited to see what God is going to do in our lives, our church and our city. I love you! As a man is, so he prays. He cannot be shallow and frivolous by nature and yet pray with depth and intensity. Our prayers are worth what we are worth! It is as men live that they pray. It is the life that prays.