Monday, July 6, 2009

The Difference

As I read some comments from supposedly one of America's top 50 most influential pastors (no names), I was stunned that a lack of moral excellence and holiness has crept into our pulpits. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we have to talk and act with the vulgarity and coarsness the world uses in order to reach the world. Remember, the Bible says we are "in the world" not "of the world". I am a son of my father, so I take on alot of his characteristics and personality traits. I am also a son of God which means my imitations of him should align with who he is and what he stands for. I am sorry to see that so many Christian leaders in the world today have stepped over the line from in the world to of the world. Their character, moral values, belief systems, and integrity are starting to look alot like the world's and not God's. Just in the last 3 days I have been made aware of two pastoral moral failures that shook me to the core. These falls (which none of us are immune from), don't just happen overnight, but are constant daily decisions to quench the Spirit's voice of moral excellence and integrity. God, please don't ever hesistate to speak reproach or conviction in areas of my life that could eventually lead to moral tragedy. Help me not to search for fame in the Christian world by boasting my talent, being controversial, or striving to see my name in a magazine or a headliner at a conference. LET MY PASSION BE TO KNOW YOU AND NOT FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW ME!!!!

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