Monday, October 19, 2009


I've never been a huge reader or have the discipline or focus to read for more than a few minutes. I usually acquire creativity or fresh wisdom through videos, teaching on cds, or face to face meetings with people. This month I felt the urge or conviction to get into the written word. I am not talking about the Bible, because that is a discipline in my life already, but the written word from spirit filled, god-led authors. My favorite books this month are "Pursuit of the Holy" by Corel Russell, "The Next Level" by Scott Wilson and "The Seven Longings of the Human Heart" by Mike Bickle. Whether this is a good idea or not, I am reading all three of them at the same time. Right now in my life I am passionately drawn to the topic of intimacy with Christ and taking my relationship with him to another level. I have been so inspired by these authors. God's Word has always taken the lead in my life and always will be but there is something to be said about identifying with another person in this world as their written words resonate in your Spirit. As I read their words, I love the myriad of emotions; from tears to laughter. I find myself stopping in between paragraphs and sending up 30 second prayers to God in regards to what I just read. The power of the written word is so much more powerful than audio on a cd or images on a video. Even when I listen or watch a teaching or inspirtational story I find myself sometimes wandering off or becoming distracted, but when I sit down with a pen and highlighter and read a book, I take notes, highlight the highlights and I am fully engaged. I feel like the author and God are partnering together to share truths, wisdom nuggets, and lightbulb moments in my life. Believe it or not, someone is going what you are going through, thinking what you are thinking, or experiencing what you are experiencing, and the cool thing is, they probably wrote about it in a book somewhere. Engage today!!!

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